Cold Laser Therapy
During cold therapy, a low-intensity laser is used which stimulates healing. The levels of light are very low and not enough to heat up the tissues within your body. It is also known as soft laser biostimulation or low-level laser therapy. It is mainly used to relieve pain and inflammation by therapists, doctors, and even dentists. At Neck and Back Pain Relief Center we offer many services for you to take advantage of for pain relief.
Dr. Daniel Ragozzine has been treating patients suffering from pain caused by different types of conditions for many years. You can visit us in our Milldale location to benefit from all that we have to offer.
The Benefits of Cold Laser Therapy
Patients can benefit from any of the following:
The reduction of pain and inflammation without the side effects
Patients normally report long-lasting pain relief from this procedure. The number of treatments that are required by each patient depends on the severity of the condition. Many patients experience long-lasting relief after just two treatments. Laser therapy has the ability to decrease pain without any unwanted side effects, unlike medications.
It can be used for both acute and chronic conditions
Most acute conditions should be treated right after the injury in order for laser therapy to be the most effective. Chronic conditions can help with the pain that is ongoing as well as inflammation. It allows many us to treat a larger area of pain.
Customized treatments
Most lasers have the ability to operate from 0.5 W to 25 W. This gives a lot of flexibility to be able to treat at both slower or stronger capacities. Every situation is unique and the lasers can be adjusted accordingly.
Fast Treatments
Treatments are relatively quick, lasting anywhere from about 5-10 minutes. It depends on the depth and size of the condition being treated. A lot of energy is able to come through the lasers that are high-powered in just a small amount of time.
Treatments Feel Great
Most people are not sure what laser therapy treatments feel like. Most lasers can create little to no sensations at all depending on the type of laser being used. Most patients report feeling a very gentle and warm feeling that is soothing. Patients often enjoy their CT experience. Even those that are treated with a higher-powered laser reported a decrease in pain that is rather rapid.
Make an Appointment Today
If you are in the Milldale area and looking for cold laser therapy, give Neck and Back Pain Relief Center a call at (860) 620-9523 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Daniel Ragozzine.